Total Spannend!!! Unbedingt Ausprobieren!!!
Total Spannend!!! Unbedingt Ausprobieren!!!
Not really free play for 5 mins then you have to pay to play more. story ok, finished it in less that an hour, better games for 1.99$
The game itself is very cool and thanks to retina it doesnt give me an eye squint, but there is a problem. The game sellers fail to mention in the product blurb that its a limited time play because after some game play it continuously loops back to the G5 "buy me now" screen and the game will not continue. If its trial offer than tell me about it, otherwise its just shady sales gimick and I will boycott G5 on that principal.
I still love big fish but I do say that this is worth the price. While the seek and find and the puzzles are a little simple, the 3D graphics and the goofy hilarious plot more than make up for it. If your new to seek and find and want a laugh this is a good game to try
Not enough of the game in free version for me to want to buy it :(
An alright game, however when zoomed in, some of the scenes are somewhat low resolution and pixelated. Also the game is just a demo.
The free starter game is ok but its not worth $4.99 I paid to finish the game in an hour!
I bought the whole game. Its good but sometimes it spazzes and wont let you grab something.
Ok the intro is ok... Reminds me of a dumbed down version of monkey island. But as soon as you get playing, almost immediately it asks for 5 bucks. So I bought it and beat it in an hour. Then read that its suppose to be 40% off... So a bit of a bait n switch goin on there... Eh? Plus the game ( if you van call it that ) is absolutely no good.
$4.99 for a game that is over before it begins, i had fun, but i expect more for that price. $.99 i would have been happy, but that is ridiculous!
Bon divertissement
I bought this game thinking it had to do with him finding out his girl was a vampire and that it would turn into a adventure "fight for our love" kind of thing. Its kind of like that, though not. Their "unbreakable love" that they wrote about was actually really sappy, sickly so. Then it turned into a huge joke about how her father kidnapped her because of some hollywood acting obsession that he has. The game, overall, is really cheesy with easy puzzles and okay find-its. Im glad that I bought it on sale so more of my money wasnt wasted.
You play only two levels until buying the full version . A fun puzzle/seeking game besides that fact .
This game is not worth $4.99. The game is ok, with a corny story line. It does not give you $5 worth of play.
Not worth $4.99. Maybe 99¢ and thats a stretch. Not enough game play to be a $5 game. Cheesy story too.
Then crashes.
Its a fun game and decent graphics. Buy it is WAY to short for $4.99. Seriously took me maybe an hour. Similar games I can spread out, take a few days Maybe they will come out with bonus games until something like that it just is not worth it.
Great game, a little corny, but still good. There is a glitch in the tv station that I cant get past though.
I bought this game the other day. I started playing and everything was fine until I got in front of the castle. I cant seem to pick up the gem under the tree. Can anyone help?